Thursday, July 23, 2009


It is said that Supremo Than Shwe keeps 4 billion USD in cash in the bunker below his mansion in Naypyidaw. The attached photos support that information. Cash is everything for them since only hard cash in US dollar has exchange value at black markets worldwide for fire arms to stolen sports cars. Whether Tayza is merely a portfolio manager for Than Shwe or a real businessman with some clout remain unclear. With this accumulation of wealth their greatest fear must be mass protests since they saw what happened to some luxury homes of BSPP chairpersons in provincial areas during 1988 uprising.

With no evidence of 'trickling-down effect' of their wealth, targeted sanctions against SPDC business cronies are fully justified. But other sanctions against economic engagement that can promote social economy and small enterprises, such as tourism, trade and investment, that will provide better opportunities for life to the Burmese populace must be removed as soon as possible.



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